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EL Advisory Committee


Our English Language Advisory Committee meets every other month.   All parents of English Learners (students learning English as a second language) are invited to attend.  Child care will be provided.  Meetings last one hour.  Topics that will be covered will include:
ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee) Roles and responsibilities of the English Learner Advisory Committee
ELPAC (English Language Proficiency AssessmentS for CalIfornia).  This test is administered each year that a student is identified as an English learner.
RECLASSIFICATION- Students are “Reclassified” to Fluent English Proficient when they have reached the same level Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening as an English speaker.
FEP- Fluent English Proficient.  Students are reclassified to FEP when they meet all the critieria for reclassification.

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