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School Closed for the rest of the school
WRITTEN BY Alex Lopez ON April 02, 2020

Dear Parent/Guardian,

After consultation with the Kern County Department of Public Health, and the other 46 Kern County School Districts and the Kern County Superintendent of Schools, Pond Elementary School will follow the recommendation of Governor Gavin Newsom, and complete the 2019-20 school year utilizing alternative teaching methodologies, including online distance learning.  This is part of a concerted effort to limit the community spread of COVID-19 and address the important continued safety of our students.

We understand how challenging this decision is for our families and we appreciate your support, dedication and patience. We are very grateful for all that our students, parents and staff are doing to support safety, continuity of education and addressing the nutritional needs of our students during school closures.

Over the past several weeks, we have rapidly adapted to this pandemic to provide online distance learning, “grab-and-go" meal distribution, and telecommuting for our employees and will continue to do so despite the physical closure of our schools.  

In the coming days and weeks, districts will receive clarity regarding how grades, graduation, transcripts, scholarships, summer school, continued distance learning instruction, and a myriad of other issues will be addressed.  We will communicate that information to you as soon as it becomes available.

Extended School Closure Timeline 

Pond Elementary School will remain physically closed through the current 2019-20 school year, in response to the COVID-19 emergency.   Teachers, students and staff will continue to work remotely to provide distance learning and other critical services.

Meal Service Distribution 

Pond Elementary School will continue to provide “Grab and Go” daily lunches and breakfast for the following days to children 18 years and younger at the following times and locations:

Pond School 

Monday and Wednesday from 11am to 1pm.


During school closures, it is important that staff, students and families follow the Governor’s orders to stay home and minimize social contact to the extent possible.

Furthermore, Kern County Public Health recommends the following everyday personal prevention actions:  

  • If you are sick or mildly sick for any reason, stay home! Call your doctor if you are concerned and/or if your symptoms worsen. 

  • Symptoms to watch for include a fever over 100 degrees; respiratory illness such as cough or difficulty breathing. 

  • Wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds. 

  • Stay 6 feet or more away from strangers and those who are ill. 

  • Do not shake hands with others. 

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. 

  • Sneeze and cough into a tissue or your sleeve; safely throw away tissues in a safe manner.  

This is a dynamic situation where information and circumstances can evolve quickly. We are grateful to you and our entire school community for your tremendous care, collaboration, and understanding during these challenging times.


Alex Lopez

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